- sex-linked gene
- ген, сцепленный с полом
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
sex-linked gene — a gene carried on a sex chromosome (X or Y); the term has been used synonymously with X linked gene (q.v.), because the human Y chromosome carries so few genes other than those determining maleness, but is now little used to avoid ambiguity … Medical dictionary
sex-linked — sex′ linked adj. 1) gen (of a gene) located in a sex chromosome 2) gen (of a character) determined by a sex linked gene • Etymology: 1910–15 … From formal English to slang
sex-linked — See sex linkage. * * * sex linked adj 1) located in a sex chromosome <a sex linked gene> 2) mediated by a sex linked gene <a sex linked character> * * * adj. describing genes (or the characteristics controlled by them) that are… … Medical dictionary
sex-linked — adjective Date: 1912 1. located on a sex chromosome < a sex linked gene > 2. mediated by a sex linked gene < a sex linked character > … New Collegiate Dictionary
sex-linked disorder — A genetic defect, usually due to a gene on the unpaired portion of the X chromosome. Recessive X linked alleles are fully expressed in the heterogametic sex because they can have only one copy of the gene. Thus X linked mutant disorders are more… … Dictionary of molecular biology
sex-linked — /seks lingkt /, adj. Genetics. 1. (of a gene) located in a sex chromosome. 2. (of a character) determined by a gene located in a sex chromosome. [1910 15] * * * … Universalium
sex-linked trait — an inherited trait determined by a gene on a sex chromosome, and therefore having a different pattern of expression in males and females; the term is usually used to denote an X linked trait … Medical dictionary
sex-linked character — A character controlled by a gene located in a sex chromosome; see sex chromosome … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
sex-linked inheritance — the pattern of inheritance shown by genes carried on a sex (X or Y) chromosome, differing for males and females. See also under gene and trait … Medical dictionary
sex-linked disorder — noun any disease or abnormality that is determined by the sex hormones hemophilia is determined by a gene defect on an X chromosome • Hypernyms: ↑chromosomal aberration, ↑chromosomal anomaly, ↑chrosomal abnormality, ↑chromosonal disorder •… … Useful english dictionary
Sex linkage — is the phenotypic expression of an allele that is related to the chromosomal sex of the individual. This mode of inheritance is in contrast to the inheritance of traits on autosomal chromosomes, where both sexes have the same probability of… … Wikipedia